Get PureCloudOps for immediate Visibility, Alerting, and Reporting.

Pure Cloud Ops requires no agents. It connects to the cloud itself, gathering metrics to produce alerts and reports. Pure Cloud Ops is a solution that can provide immediate insight and scale to your growth.

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Communicate with your Metrics

Let’s create dashboard and reports easily!

Just because it is easy, doesn't mean its not powerfule.

Create Custom Reports
If you can see it, you can schedule a PDF email (or Slack message). Dashboard reports can be scheduled to produce weekly and monthly summaries of metrics.
Pure Cloud Ops can save time and resources by automating the monitoring process and ensuring compliance across your entire infrastructure. Instead of manually configuring each node and lambda, Fluency collects all the data from AWS management metrics and generates reports for you.
While reports can provide valuable insights into past performance and trends, they may not be timely enough to prevent or mitigate issues in real-time. That is why proactive alerting is crucial in cloud operations to enable faster response times and reduce the impact of incidents.

Monitor & Alert

Quickly get control of your AWS Infrastructure. Pure Cloud Ops's Cloud Observability is a clean and easy way to determine the status of all your AWS assets without the complexity of full-stack development security operations (DevSecOps). Cloud Observability provides not only real-time visibilty into the status, but includes alerting to let you know when, and even if there is going to be, an issue.

*Terms of Agreement



  • Up to (3) users
  • Email Notification
  • AWS Small instance (1 core w/ 4g RAM)



  • Five (5) user accounts
  • Metric Stream Support
  • Email and PagerDuty notification
  • AWS Medium instance (2 cores with 8gb RAM)



  • Twelve (12) user accounts
  • Metric Stream Support
  • Alerts sent to Custom API
  • AWS Large Instance (4 cores and 16gb RAM)


Understanding the true cost of AWS Monitoring

The cost of monitoring software is only part of the cost to monitor. Undertand how AWS charges and how to cotrol your monitoring costs.

AWS API calls add up
While it is only about a penny for a thousdand calls. Calling a system every minute for a month cost about 0.44 cents. Then consider ten metrics (10) to check for 500 systems and this amounts to 2,200 USD a month in AWS charges.
Tag Your Assets
Pure Cloud Ops can leverage the AWS tags to determine the type and frequency of the metrics to monitor an asset.
Choose the right frequency
Not all systems are critical and require agreesive monitoring. Pure Cloud Ops will show the projected cost per metric. Our focus is on helping you manage not just your infrastructure, but your costs too.
Pure Cloud Ops

Making the Cloud a little easier to manage.

© 2023 Pure Cloud Ops, Inc. All rights reserved.

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